
One of the benefits of having a Challenger Division is that it encourages the use of "buddies" for the Challenger players. The buddies assist the Challenger players on the field, but whenever possible, encourage the players to bat and make plays themselves. However, the buddy is always nearby to help when needed. A Buddy’s job involves many things - being a friend, conversation partner, hitting and fielding assistant, encourager, and protector, helping make sure all players stay safe. The Challenger season is a rewarding experience for the players, Buddies, and the parents cheering in the stands.

Our Challenger schedule includes 3 game days, as well as opening and closing ceremonies, each lasting about 1 hour. The Buddies are asked to attend the first practice and each of the other activities. We ask that Buddies attend a short introduction and training session. This training time will be used to better match Buddies with players and relay important information for Buddies.

To confirm your availability to serve as a Challenger Buddy, send an email including your T-shirt size, an email address, and phone number we can use to contact you during the season. If you are unable to be a full-time buddy, but are willing to be on the substitute list, please let us know of this interest and the dates you are available. We look forward to sharing more with you at the buddy meeting. 

contact: baycitychallenger@gmail.com